Just like the Magic 8 Ball

This blog is kinda like the Magic Eight Ball. You never know what answer will float up to the top. It's because that's how my brain works. It doesn't work in a linear way. It works at random. Things I know will just pop up so when they do, I plan on writing them here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two Year Old has Already Read The Book

HOW NOT TO PEE IN THE POTTY.  This kid has a twenty gallon bladder and nerves of steel.  He can sit thru an entire viewing of Avitar including several glasses of "ocolate" milk all the while sitting on the potty.  Or he can take a two mile hike to the park and back, drink all MY water arrive home dry as the Arizona desert, scream and cry because he is too tired to think and not dribble a drop until the diaper is on and he is sound asleep.Go figure.  The song "Your Not the Boss of Me" from Malcolm in the Middle keeps running thru my head at these times.

and damn it, I can't find my camera, again.