Just like the Magic 8 Ball

This blog is kinda like the Magic Eight Ball. You never know what answer will float up to the top. It's because that's how my brain works. It doesn't work in a linear way. It works at random. Things I know will just pop up so when they do, I plan on writing them here. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I am turning

into a hermit.  I don't know how to be part of a family anymore.  Here I am alone for the weekend and I am happy as a clam.  During the week with my delightful grandchildren, I am stressed and disoriented.  I have a lot of adjusting to do!  Tell me, why would I prefer to be alone with my 3 cats and a dog to my daughter and grandchildren?  I don't have the answer but I am searching.  My goal is to become integrated into an extended family.  Maybe it just takes practice.  I have just forgotten how.  Lets give it 30 days, the time it takes for anything to become a habit.  Like the South Beach diet.

It's funny, not eating carbs and fast food  has become the way I eat normally.  The cravings for starch have all but disappeared.  So has my sweet tooth.  I actually look forward to a good salad and vegetables.  Haven't had fast food in ages and I don't even miss it now.  Steadily losing weight.  My knees and hips hardly hurt at all.  Now getting my muscles up to walking to the park and increasing my tolerance to the Georgia heat are next on my to do list

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