Just like the Magic 8 Ball

This blog is kinda like the Magic Eight Ball. You never know what answer will float up to the top. It's because that's how my brain works. It doesn't work in a linear way. It works at random. Things I know will just pop up so when they do, I plan on writing them here. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

To Do List is

well, half done.  I have the upstairs pretty well straightened out.  Now there is just the down stairs to do.  Living room is okay but could use a swiffer plus a damp mop on a couple of sticky spots.  Kitchen has dishes and counter wipe down but the stuff from up stairs that needs to go to the basement has kinda piled up in the family room.  But not to worry.  By tomorrow all will be well.

I find it hard to believe that I have actually knocked off quite a bit from my list.  It is not like me to be so productive.  Need to continue to take my supplements as maybe that has helped keep me energized.  Or maybe I am just in my manic phase.  Who knows anymore, I sure don't. 

Need to keep track of the days to see how long it takes me to get settled into a new routine.  I need to find some way to adjust to the heat of Georgia.  Other people are out walking even during the heat of the day and many people have outside jobs that require working all day outside.  I think I would collapse of heat exhaustion if I was required to do any heavy work outside.  How does a body adjust to a new climate?  I want to work outside in the yard, take Xavier to the park but when I go out, even in the am, I sweat like Niagara Falls and need to drink a gallon of water on a short walk.  Cindy walked to the park with Xavier, was gone two hours with no water, I would have dried up and blown away.  Is it old age?  Somehow I don't think of myself as old but then maybe old people never do.

Now it's time to get the laundry into dry, take my crocheting downstairs, put in a movie and see if I can't get Ashley's afghan done before she turns 21.

Funny, I am much happier here by myself.  I am just not used to having people around all the time.  I will have to change or I will be miserable.  Looked into churches today.  My dilemma is do I stay with the SA, a church I have attended for at least 15 years or do I try Rachael's new church, First Congregational, a more open minded church?  Both are close, the UNC sounds interesting I may see if Cindy will take me and drop me off in a couple of Sundays.  Wonder if they offer transportation?

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