Just like the Magic 8 Ball

This blog is kinda like the Magic Eight Ball. You never know what answer will float up to the top. It's because that's how my brain works. It doesn't work in a linear way. It works at random. Things I know will just pop up so when they do, I plan on writing them here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Just Say No to Colds

Winter is for snowball fights, snow forts, skiing, ice skating and viruses

Colds and the flu
are both caused by viruses and these viruses are more active during the fall and winter months. The symptoms come on slowly, often starting with a headache and sore throat. A cold’s symptoms will peak between 3 and 7 days. By day 7 your immune system has begun to route the virus and by the end of the second week the cold is gone. The flu cycles in much the same way but the symptoms are worse and recovery time takes longer. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics and for viral illnesses with no complications the only treatment for them is time.

There May be No Cure for the Common Cold but There is Help

Just because there is no cure for the common cold, that doesn’t mean there is nothing that can be done. There are four simple things that can be done to not only lessen the symptoms but shorten the duration and in some cases prevent a cold from catching on. They are all natural and simple to do, no pseudoephedrine, no prescriptions, just relief. I have used them for years and my colds never last more than a couple of days and despite not getting flu shots, I have not had the flu in about 20 years.

Vitamin D, the Sunshine Vitamin

Take extra vitamin D. It is essential for maintaining good health especially in the fall and winter. Studies have shown that people who live north of the Mason Dixon line can’t get enough D from the sun. The days are too short and the sun too weak. More and more studies are showing just how important vitamin D is for good health. One of its many jobs is to keep the immune system in peak working condition. I dose daily with between 3,000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D a day. Taking adequate vitamin D is one of the most important things you can do to prevent catching a winter virus.

A Netti Pot

A netti pot or nasal wash system is a great way to keep your nasal passages clean and hydrated. Both use a gentle saline solution to gently wash out the nasal passages. This helps flush viruses out while helping to hydrate the mucus membranes are parched from dry indoor heat. This saline nasal wash is also great for when you have a cold. It gently removes the thick mucus formed by colds, make it easier to breath, without using over the counter or prescription medications. Personally, I wouldn’t be without one.

Linus Pauling was Right

Despite what the medical experts say, I am a firm believer in vitamin C for upper respiratory viral infections. I listen to my dad, who has been taking vitamin C since Adel Davis published her first book. He has never had the flu seldom gets a cold and is 82 years old. When I feel a cold coming on, I always increase my vitamin C to 3000 IUs a day.

Combine Vitamin C with Echinacea and You Can’t Lose

This is a trick I learned from my sister, add echinacea to the vitamin C. Echinacia or purple cone flower is a proven immune booster. I first started using it before I flew on airplanes. If my daughter and I did not get sick when we got to our destination, we got sick when we got home. My sister said that by taking vitamin C and echinacea together, those nasty airplane viruses could be avoided all together. All you had to do was start dosing yourself a few days before a flight, take them every day while you are away, then stop a few days after coming home. I have not gotten sick while traveling in a very long time.

When a Cold Starts

This same combination works when a cold gets started. At the first signs of a sore throat and post nasal drip, I start taking 1500mg of vitamin C and 250mg of Echinacea twice a day. Even if this dynamic duo doesn’t stop the cold from taking hold, it shortens its duration. I can usually shake a cold in less than a week instead of two.

Vitamin C has proven to be safe even at high doses. At 3000mg the only side effect is gastro-intestinal upset. Echinacea is not intended for long term use. Once the body has been able to eliminate the virus, Echinacea should be stopped as it is not meant for daily, long term use.

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